Welcome to Sociology

Intro courses taught at Bronx Community College [SOC 11] and at BMCC [SOC 100]

Course Description: This course studies the social world and how it has evolved over time, as
well as how individuals are influenced and structured by social interactions in small groups and
by larger social forces. The course covers major sociological theories and research methods, and key concepts such as culture, socialization, social class, race/ethnicity, gender, technology, social inequality, and social change.

Basic Skills: Introduction to Sociology, Non – WI
Prerequisite: WNG 88, ESL 94, or Higher and ACR 94 or Higher
Corequisites: Flexible Core – Individual and Society

Course Student Learning Outcomes (Students will
be able to…) and Measurements (means of assessment for
student learning outcomes listed)

Class discussions, texts, other reading
and learning resources:

1. Develop your own sociological

2]. Use sociological perspectives and concepts
to explain and examining social life.

Presentation, Quiz and Midterm Exam:

3]. Gain insight on how society shapes you and
how you shape society.

4]. Evaluate evidence for and against a

Short Response / Reflection papers :

5]. Apply critical thinking skills to write a
paper and essay.

Image source: Intro to Sociology